Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Music OZ Awards

Hey crazy kids..

MUSIC OZ AWARDS voting has now begun, it actually began quite the while ago though I didn't realize this because of my Rushing around like a blind monkey... NEWAY if your digging the tracks, you like the lyrics or are just a generally nice kinda Person please follow the below instructions to help out me and most importantly my music…. As Always and inevitably forever KEEP ROCKIN never stop…..Ohh and "your only given a little spark of madness you mustn't loose it" Robin Williams

Vote to Win!

To vote for this artist, SMS the code rene1 and then a brief reason why you think they should win (in 10 words or less) e.g.: "rene1 they're really cool" to 19708000 to register your vote.

The most creative answer will win a Maton Electric Guitar valued at $1,500. The artist with the most votes will win the People's Choice National Musicoz Award for 2007. Voting is reflected in the Musicoz Top 10 Charts.

Some People I would Like To Thank

Firstly I would like to thank anyone who has ratted me on triple j unearthed, posted a banner up on there page or put there home page song as one of my tracks... You guys have no idea how much something little like that can help me out :) and I'm forever grateful to all of you....

SECONDLY - SHAUN LEWIS you legend you have helped me out in a time where i DEFINATLY needed it, you have the SKILLs My friend and i cant wait to display your posters at venues around Melbourne, (guys if any of you want some wicked designs for your posters or banners contact shaun hes in my topies)
Lastly There are a few special people who have helped me out with my music amongst other things that deserve a mention for taking out there valuable time... Michael Zammit very VERY awesome producer, whom brings all my songs to life and who has a personality that rocks my world....

Michelle Fornito a girl who comes to 70% of all my gigs who is always there when I record vocals and who totally rocks in general I've loved you since the good old Steven Zammit days. Speaking of Steven Zamit my first ever vocal coach you really do care about your students and bring the best out of them all. Pete your my hero and thanks for believing in me when no 1 else would, Rosy, Nadia, Sebastian and Tim and Andrew for helping me with my tattoo :) Matthew Black who continually spreads the word for me...Amy you are awesome thanks for the help with getting me gigs and just spreading the word..... Billie my poker playing chum, you have taken out so much time to help me with my banners and myspace that i dont think 2,000 thank u's could ever be enough... Ryan Enright your my inspiration.. hopefully one day ill be able to rip out AWESOME melodies like yours, The Invitation is going to be huge just you wait ;)

A new young man named Alan A Griffith, who has astounded me with his kindness and willingness to help me out, you have restored my faith in people high up in the music industry and given me new goals and new hopes thank you very much..

Hayden the Photographer of the year he made me look good :) and that my friends is one VERY hard task you are a gun the good things you do for people will no doubt come right back at ya mate... check out Haydens photos guys .....

These 2 girlies are my bestest friends.. You girls ROCK my SOCKS off

People tell me 3's a bad number

But not with dany Jeanette and me

We rock the socks off any Duo

And are stronger than any team

We laugh together, cry together

Eat pastizies together, die our hair together

And when one of us is sad or down

The other 2 can pick her off the ground

3 peas in a pod, or more appropriately 3 stooges

3 of the coolest chicks and sometimes 3 of the biggest loosers

Were more than friends were sisters

We're more than bestest mates

We're ok when we're separate

But together were bloody great.

Renee Cassar

About Renee Cassar

Hey guys, well bands usually put there bio in here but I’m not a band and I’ve never written a Bio, so instead of placing myself in the third person and writing things like Renee cassar has been playing for 3 years and performing at such and such places, I just thought I would tell you how it is… I’ve been writing ever since I can remember, I can write about anything from the beach and waves and stars and eyes to feelings to the way people treat you when there not happy or how you feel when you cry.. I write to get my feelings out, it helps me look at the situation from a birds eye view, like I don’t have to be me anymore, I can escape for a while and judge the situation like I’m someone else. I have at least 30 books filled up with scribbles, quotes and poems and stories, I’m sure god shot ink through my veins when he created me… at 17 I never considered singing well I had thought about it, though i had been chucked onto the tennis court and it is not in my nature to give up without a fight … My music teacher had other ideas as to my music ability and cast me as lead role in the school musical after singing twinkle twinkle little star . This came as a shock to me, I didn’t think I could sing let alone in front of 3000 people. So intent on not to stuffing it up, I decided to take some singing lessons so when the opening night came along I would be prepared. Opening night I was extremely nervous and I had virtually lost my voice I placed honey mixed with hot water, an asma pump, salt water, pineapple juice and every other voice remedy known to man neatly at the back of the stage. The minute I stepped out and sang I realized I had been chasing the wrong dream the hole time. So soon after I gladly put down my tennis racquets and picked up a guitar. A $70 Ashton great little thing did the job quite well…The fact that I began my new dream at the age of 18 doesn’t faze me or that what I want is as far fetched as me typing this from the moon :) I just know where I want to be and that is sitting on a stage with my guitar playing one of MY songs to an audience and THEM singing it back to ME. I have had a vocal chord operation and plenty of other financial set backs, I think god knows I love a challenge cause he sure doesn’t want to make things easy for me... Now I’m back on track my voice is 100% healed, I’ve started up a band wagon and you guys are all welcome to jump on ..Don’t let anyone tell you that your dreams arnt reachable and that you should be realistic about your life because it’s too hard or to out of reach. The inability to think beyond the basic 9-5 is a disability in itself. You don’t always get what you want but half the fun is just in trying, so that’s what I’m here doing.. well I better be off before you guys get too bored but I would love to see some of you at my gigs when I get more ill post them up ? Remember if you “believe in the power of believing” you cant go wrong.. And guys if you want to turn ure dreams into reality you have to first wake up ;) xoxoxoxox Renee